发信人: CBI (史迪威), 信区: Military 标 题: 南韩空值飞首尔到以色列30人感染,可能也飞了洛杉矶! 发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Thu Feb 27 12:56:50 2020, 美东) 根据nbc消息说,南韩一空姐确诊后,她当班值飞2月15日从首尔到以色列的航班,机上 200多人中有教会旅行团的30多人被感染。 而这位空姐,按照南韩新闻报道说,也曾经在2月19日到20日值飞了从首尔到洛杉矶的 航班。如果确定,她来回当值的飞机将有超过400多人。 而且她还在洛杉矶机场会和大 量的旅客接触。 但现在nbc试图联系南韩CDC但没有人搭理。 A Korean Air flight attendant who might have worked on flights out of Los Angeles International Airport has been diagnosed in South Korea with coronavirus, according to reports in South Korean media. The flight attendant worked flights between LAX and Seoul, South Korea, on Feb. 19 and 20, according to several South Korean media outlets. NBC4 has reached out to the airline and Korean health officials for a statement. The woman had also serviced a flight from Tel Aviv, Israel, to Seoul on Feb. 15, South Korea's Center for Disease Control said. https://ww...