发信人: Aplusplus (Hakuna Matata), 信区: Medicalpractice 标 题: 中国医生的偶像应该是谁? 发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Thu Feb 28 00:04:14 2013, 美东) 中国医生有偶像吗? 我觉得够呛,中医可以有李时珍什么的,中国的西医们不会把希 波克拉底当偶像吧? 最近因为externship的事与韩国人有一些接触,我知道中国人似乎对韩国人对中国古代 文化的说法有非议,但这个韩国医生实在让我另眼相看,他说他从小崇拜孙中山,我的 老中朋友是不信的,觉得是忽悠,但看看他给我的这个文章,他能不崇拜孙中山吗? 这个讲话时是孙中山100年前在日本的一个讲话, 难怪中国有中山医学院,但有几个人 知道孙中山的这个讲话? Gentlemen: I highly appreciate this cordial reception with which you are honoring me today. The topic of the day is "Pan-Asianism," but before we touch upon the subject, we must first have a clear conception of Asia's place in the world. Asia, in my opinion, is the cradle of the world's oldest civilization. Several thousand years ago, its peoples had already attained an advanced civilization; even the ancient civilizations of the West, of Greece and Rome, had their origins on Asiatic soil. In Ancient Asia we had...